The recent revelation that the National Security Agency collects the personal data of United States citizens, allies and enemies alike has broken the traditional erning the bond between science and society.
Most breakthrough technologies have dual uses. Think of atomic energy ...
The level of concern within the developer community prompted by the recent government snooping revelations has been revealed in a new survey. It revealed that nearly four out of 10 (or 39 percent of) developers working with big data applications ...
As federal agencies gear up for a series of major IT transitions, a majority of government network managers say that their government software systems lack the capacity that will be required to meet the additional load that cloud computing, big ...
Recent revelations about the U.S. National Security Agency’s massive data collection programs illustrates the need for a new privacy debate about the implications of big data, some privacy advocates said Tuesday.
The increasing uses of big data in all kinds of ...
Now and then I find myself thinking about the big principles of big data; that is, not about Hadoop vs. relational databases or Mahout vs. Weka, but rather about fundamental wisdom that frames our vision of "the new currency" of ...