bdan social media boostThe Social Media Boost is a specialized posting on one or more of Big Data Analytics News’ industry Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Quora, Instagram followers to a sponsor’s content marketing assets.

The Boost consists of an image and linked headline/text that will display in the targeted user’s newsfeed for up to one week. The Social Media Boost drives traffic to your sponsored Press Releases, Webcasts, White Papers, Videos, or other products to thousands of industry professionals actively engaged in social media.

Aligning with BDANs content allows you to increase awareness to your target audience. This unique opportunity invites industry professionals to engage with your content via social networks.

social media boost price

Social Media Boost FAQ

Which are the social media pages where the PR/Post will be shared on?

Your post will be shared on the following social media pages:

What are the post specifications?

For a Facebook/LinkedIn/Telegram/Twitter posts, please follow the guidelines below:

Hyperlinks: • URL to your Facebook/LinkedIn company page (to tag your co. for additional exposure) • URL to your preferred landing page (i.e. your website, product, service, etc.) Body Copy: 250 characters or less. Link Headline: 75 character max Image Dimensions*: 1200X628 pixels Image Format: PNG,GIF, JPG only (no animated gif, flash or tags)

Twitter image size for ads: 800 x 418 (Website card), 800 x 800 (App card image), 800 x 800 (Carousels), 800 x 418 (Direct Message card), 800 x 418 (Conversation card)

Tweet copy: 280 characters. Each link used reduces character county by 23 characters, electing 257 characters for Twitter copy.

What happens after I complete the payment?

After you complete the payment through PayPal, please send us your sponsored post information and visuals to along with your transaction ID.

How long does it take to complete an order?

After we received the payment along with your sponsored post information and visuals sent to us via email at, it may take up to 1 business day to complete your order and send you a full report.

Can I get an invoice for taxing purposes?

Yes. In case that you need an invoice, please make sure to send us an email at with your company details.