What Are the Skills You Need to Enter Data Science Market?

More and more companies have become reliant on data science and analytics. When journalists pay as much heed to data scientists as they do political pundits during election years, it’s clear that the data science industry has become a high-visibility, ...

How Big Data Analytics is shipping Marketing Strategies for E-commerce Industries

Big Data has a cathartic effect on businesses today. The power for organizing and optimizing larger sets of shopper data is gaining newer revolution in businesses resulting in higher profits. In this article of mine, I will be highlighting few ...

Big Data has proved to be the Absolute Enhancer of Business Sales

The excellent medium between any business and customers are the people who speak about the products and services to the customers and convince them to buy them. These are none other than the sales professionals. The information about any new ...

Big Data 101: A Beginner’s Guide To Big Data terminology

Data science can be confusing enough without all of the complicated lingo and jargon. For many, the terms NoSQL, DaaS and Neural Networking instill nothing more than the hesitant thought, “this sounds data-related.” It can be difficult to tell a ...

Top 10 Most in-demand Internet of Things skills

The Internet of Things (IoT) is in the midst of an explosion, as more connected devices proliferate. But there's not enough talent with the right skills to manage and execute on IoT projects. In fact, insufficient staffing and lack of ...
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