Google Launches BigQuery Streaming For Real-Time, Big-Data Analytics

BigQuery, Google’s cloud-based tool for quickly analyzing very large datasets, is getting a massive price cut today (up to 85 percent). But Google is also adding an important new feature that will make it more competitive with the big data service ...

How-to Implement Role-based Security in Impala using Apache Sentry

Apache Sentry (incubating) is the Apache Hadoop ecosystem tool for role-based access control (RBAC). In this how-to, I will demonstrate how to implement Sentry for RBAC in Impala. I feel this introduction is best motivated by a use case. Data warehouse ...

Pivotal Brings In-Memory Analysis To Hadoop

Pivotal, the EMC spin-off company pursuing modern application development in the context of cloud computing and big-data analysis, on Monday released Pivotal HD 2.0, an update of its Hadoop distribution incorporating an in-memory database and a battery of new analysis ...

Hadoop and NoSQL Now Data Warehouse-Worthy-Gartner

Not long ago, the rules for what constituted a data warehouse were fairly well defined. The schema was fixed, you could say, and was based primarily on relational database technology designed to process structured data. My, how times have changed. ...
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