big-dataAlmost all new years begin with a host of predictions regarding different technologies that will change the way our mundane tasks are performed. While few technologies are entirely new, some are just an update on the existing ones by yet they make a big difference.

Big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, Machine learning, IoT are some items in the 2025 prediction list of successful and breakthrough technologies with new features. All of these have carved a niche for themselves, but these are too big in themselves and still in evolving phase where researchers are continuously working on making them better with each passing day.


The years gone by were focused on streamlining data. What companies had were essentially sets of data without any proper order and the inventions were more focused on creating a pool that would comprise all the data. The challenges in terms of volume and variety were the focus in the initial phase. The advances were more focused on these two aspects of big data traditionally.


Now, there is a shift in trend. The companies have big data sets which are streamlined and tagged. What is required is to take value out of that data. To cater to this requirement, the big data scientists have crafted analytics Software that can recognize pattern and identify gaps which can be fulfilled either for improving offerings or creating new offerings.


While the expectation of the companies is rising, the technology is also growing at a fast pace. The amalgamation of both these facets are caused a stir in the big data industry and it seems that the following trends are inevitable.

  • Rise in Demand for Seasoned Big Data Workers: Big data is a comparatively new technology and therefore it is not easy to find big data developers, analysts, researchers, and scientists. The demand for these is rising, but there are not as many resources available. As a result, companies expect more and more from the existing employees which can cause dissatisfaction. This vicious circle would remain the way it is for the coming years.
  • Increase in Use of Advanced Computing and Analytics: The big data analytics (BDA) and computing is getting complex day by day. And, if reports are to be believed there will be a rise in the number of companies embracing advanced computing like in-memory computing, cognitive computing, etc. There will also be a rise in the use of strategies like distributed micro analytics and a number of other associated techniques.
  • Surge in Selecting Cloud-Based Platforms: While majority of the companies have already migrated to cloud-based frameworks for their big data management, some enterprises are still apprehensive about it. The primary reason for not moving to cloud is security but the options like hybrid cloud are good enough to convince companies to move to cloud. And once they benefit from the advantages, the migration of entire set to cloud will be the preferred choice.

Big data is a smart technology which is being modified and upgraded on the basis of the requirement of different industries. Therefore, the chances of it becoming stagnant are nil. It is evolving to become a solution for almost all the challenges that big businesses face. It empowers CEOs and leaders in a way that has never been done before and therefore, it is absolutely safe to say that big data is here to stay.

The post is by Joseph Macwan is technical writer with a keen interest in business, technology and marketing topics. He is also associated with Aegis softwares which offers big data analytics solutions.