Top 10 Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning You Should Know About!

The Silicon Valley reverberates of Machine Learning today as Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to reshape, mold and revolutionize the world. Machine learning is a fragment of AI and a very significant one. It is a subset of AI that has ...

10 Essential Skills You Need To Be A Data Scientist!

Data Scientist is a term recently coined to define a person who is able to play with the data by applying scientific tools to draw significant results. The term has become popular over the past few years owing to the ...

How Retail Analytics is Changing the Indian Retail Space

The changing digital landscape of the Indian retail space has meant that retailers are opting for smart tools to leverage growth. Data analytics has emerged as one of the most potent tools allowing retailers to fill the gap between optimizing ...

How Software Testers Can Become Better Big Data Professionals?

With the boom in Information technology all around the world the demand for software engineers, developers and testers has increased like never before. But after a certain point of time the technology gets old and the proficiency needs to be ...

Machine Learning with Python-A Revolution in the field of Data Analytics

Introduction A data analysis technique that introduces automation in the development of an analytical model is termed as Machine Learning. Algorithms are employed by machine learning which draws insight from the data, so it provides computers with the capability of attaining ...

5 Ways Big Data Is Changing the Travel Industry

There’s a new trend in many different industries that is taking information and making it part of individual business strategies for companies. It’s called big data, and it has the potential to be felt in all aspects of business. One ...

Yes! Big Data Still Needs These Developments

Big data has been welcomed so far, by the technology world knowing its advantages and reliability. Everyone runs behind big data to know its advantages but no one is really bothering to know its disadvantages. It’s high time we all ...

What Are the Skills You Need to Enter Data Science Market?

More and more companies have become reliant on data science and analytics. When journalists pay as much heed to data scientists as they do political pundits during election years, it’s clear that the data science industry has become a high-visibility, ...
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