Bank of America & Ticketmaster share DC optimization stories
Software-defined data center to dominate the airwaves at New York conference
The newly launched “Software-Defined” conference track at DCD Enterprise in New York on April 19-20 will explore the subject from every angle. “SDDC simply means that no layer of the converged infrastructure layers will escape being set free from proprietary hardware; abstracted, virtualized and delivered ‘as-a-service’,” says Bruce Taylor, EVP DatacenterDynamics. “The journey towards the true SDDC is data-driven and requires automation at every layer of the stack including DCIM and now DSCO.”
“For the last 20+ years data center demand at Bank of America has grown continually along with increasing requirements for greater resilience. Through this the Bank has invested in growing its data center estate and upgrading facilities,” says Nic Barnes, Global Head of Data Center Strategy at BofA, who will be onstage. “With the advent of ‘the cloud’ and the Bank’s drive toward an internal private cloud this has changed. The data center demand profile has changed and we are adapting to a new paradigm.”
Nic will present an overview of the business drivers leading to the adoption of a software-defined infrastructure at Bank of America, how this is influencing both technology and business decisions, and how adjustments are being made to their data center and hosting philosophy.
Ticketmaster cloud usage and big data analytics
Fuelling the debate at the conference will be Brent Eubanks, VP of Technology Optimization at Ticketmaster/Live Nation who is a walking-talking, full-throated believer in and developer of analytics that give decision makers clarity in the cloud confusion and, eventually, automates as much as possible of the process of determining where to assign IT workloads.
“I ask a seemingly simple question every day,” says Eubanks. “Where do we run our workloads and why.” To Eubanks, it comes down to how he can use financial intelligence-based analytic predictive modeling to uncover inefficient and suboptimal practices in buying and using cloud services. And to do it in such a way that it is an on-going set of practices and processes, as automated as possible.
“What Brent brings to Ticketmaster-Live Nation is indicative of the way the data center and cloud infrastructure and services industry is moving. Optimization has to ultimately be as agile and hyperscale as is demanded of our business technology,” says DCD EVP Bruce Taylor.
Alongside this speaker line-up ABB and Ericsson will host a double-length session moderated by Rhonda Ascierto from 451 Research, which will drill down on the monitoring required to deliver SDDC with Data Center Service Optimization (DCSO) software. A step beyond DCIM, DCSO describes a set of software suites that provide greater automation, greater control, and integration with associated systems to achieve business and service-level control.
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