Top 12 Hadoop Technology Companies

Hadoop, a platform developed by The Apache Software Foundation, is a popular open-source Big Data platform for distributed processing of large datasets across clusters of computers. Each system in Apache Hadoop acts as a storage device and as a computation ...

A Guide to Become a Successful Hadoop Developer in 2025

ā€œThe world is oneĀ Big DataĀ problem.ā€-Andrew McAfee Big data might be known by several names or labels, but itā€™s undeniable that big data skills are turning into a big deal for IT professionals. The ā€œbig dataā€ wave has opened up lots of ...

Top 10 Tips for Hadoop Administration for Starters

When "Big Data" is seen to emerge as a problem, Apache Hadoop is expected to evolve as a solution to the same. It is a framework that provides various tools or services in order to process and store the prospects ...

How Software Testers Can Become Better Big Data Professionals?

With the boom in Information technology all around the world the demand for software engineers, developers and testers has increased like never before. But after a certain point of time the technology gets old and the proficiency needs to be ...

Business Intelligence Benchmark for SQL-on-Hadoop Engines

AtScale, provider of BI (Business Intelligence) on Hadoop, has released its study titled "The Business Intelligence Benchmark for SQL-on-Hadoop engines," which is a performance test of BI workloads on Hadoop. The report also studies the strengths and weaknesses of Hive, ...

Big Data Processing With Apache Ignite

Apache Ignite is an in-memory computing platform that can be inserted seamlessly between a userā€™s application layer and data layer. Apache Ignite loads data from the existing disk-based storage layer into RAM, improving performance by as much as six orders ...

Top 10 Tips for Scaling Hadoop

Data locality is about making sure a big data set is stored near the compute that performs the analytics. For Hadoop, that means managing DataNodes that provide storage for MapReduce to perform adequately. It works effectively, but leads to the ...
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