secure file sharing

File sharing, simply transferring digital information from one device to another, is an important aspect of any business. Employees use different types of company and personal devices to share important files. Secure file transfers are now more important than ever as the world becomes increasingly dependent on file sharing. To ensure fast and secure file transfers, consider exploring the features and capabilities of With GoAnywhere’s fast file transfer solution, you can streamline your file exchange process while maintaining top-notch security measures to protect your sensitive data.

Putting the right measure in place will ensure productivity, business continuity, and internal communication. Keep reading to learn what secure file sharing should look like for your business and what to expect.

Tips for Secure File sharing for Business

While file sharing ensures efficient workflow, there are risks involved that you may need to be made aware of. Some of these include exposure of sensitive information, installation of malicious software, and susceptibility to attacks.

You can avoid such issues by adopting secure file sharing for business. You can also implement tips to help your business secure all critical information.

Make Data Protection a Priority

Since a lot of file sharing occurs in the workplace, many businesses have adopted new operating models and technology solutions. However, successful strategies are those that include data protection and privacy. Ensure you make it a priority to find a solution that values data protection in file sharing. Take time to do due diligence about a company before you commit to any of them.

Train Your Employees

CompTIA reports that 52% of data breaches result from human actions. While some are malicious, the majority is because of a lack of awareness.

Each employee should understand how critical the business data is and the risk associated with mishandling such sensitive information. Training them on the importance of data privacy and security will ensure they identify any risks if it arises.

End-to-end encryption

Ensure the service you have chosen as a file-sharing solution uses end-to-end encryption. End-to-end encryption is a method of protection ensuring the third party doesn’t have access to data transferred from one device to another. This encryption will protect your information from hackers and the host from viewing sensitive data.

Limiting Access Permissions

One of the most overlooked measures is updating access permission to information. Use administrative controls to disable features and file transfers. Employees or users should only have access to data required for their jobs. You can achieve this by splitting data by either department or seniority. Doing this ensures that only a few accounts have access, thus preventing unauthorized retrieval.

Running Regular File Audits

More than limiting and monitoring people who have access is required; you must also check on the files. File auditing involves monitoring changes or attempted changes to permissions on a file or folder. You should remove files you deem outdated from the cloud system to ensure only those required for the job are available to share. In addition, you should record user activity to track data movement between users.

Secure Your Business Information

File sharing is, without a doubt, an important part of everyday business activity. However, without the correct measures in place, your business information is at risk. Establishing secure file sharing will ensure smooth and efficient work operation. Secure your business today by using secure file sharing.