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If you run a website and haven’t yet started earning money from the content you’ve created, it’s because you may have not taken a look at site monetization strategies. Not certain which plan will be the best for your site or blog? That’s where our blog comes in! Here are the top six strategies that will earn your site revenues all while letting your viewers enjoy free and quality content.

  1. Pay-per-Click Advertising: Pay Per Click advertising comprises the publisher adding ads on the results page of search engines to lead users to your site. PPC ads are generally obtained by bidding on them. Google’s PPC platform known as Google AdWords or Google Adsense has website publishers bid on multiple keywords that users seek. The highest bidder wins the top slots for their ad space.
  1. Location Data Monetization: Third-party apps and websites often use the site visitors information such as their preferences. These are then used by big brands to optimize their customer journey and help them convert more of their target audience on the internet. You can use the help of location data monetization firms to earn money from simple site visits by letting their programs run in the background. With zero disturbances, pop-ups or interruptions, this is the future of website monetization. All you need to do is tie up with an organization that offers you the best pricing for your website space. Your user experience will not be impacted.
  1. Native Advertising: As customers become more annoyed by rude ads like banners and pop-ups, webmasters are seeking out new avenues to publish ad content without being blacklisted. Native advertising can help you monetize your sites using personalized ad preferences that won’t ruin a visitor’s user experience. You can control the visitor’s ad experience by employing categories, keyword filters, and blocking systems. Sellers trace metrics like revenue-per-visit to make sure the ads are working and optimize the filters to improve the ad experience of customers from their preferences.
  1. Video Ads: You can sell video ads using the cost-per-completed view (CPCV) and cost-per-thousand-impressions (CPM) model. Advertisers use these to target the correct potential customers with content that matches their viewers’ preferences and psychology. Advertisers are willing to pay top dollar if you give them the right space and screen time with visitors that match their target audience.
  1. Selling your Site’s Ad Space: To make revenue from their websites, publishers can also sell out ad space on their digital property. You’ll be able to make money from advertisers directly, or by using the help of an ad network. You can list your online businesses for sale on the website to get engagement and relevant enquiries to buy.
  1. Affiliate Marketing: The last tip is to join an affiliate program that helps publishers to earn money consistently from site visits. Affiliate networks link up publishers with brands that want to promote themselves. Once the website owners onboard their network, the site will host ads of services and be paid a commission. Generally, you can earn every time a site visitor buys their product, or with models like user engagement, pay-per-click, per-impression, among other arrangements.

Wrapping Up:

Now that you know six different ways to make a decent earning from your digital real estate, what is your favorite? Make sure to research these methods well to make the best choice for your website! Your users will then be able to enjoy great content without you worrying about making them pay for subscriptions to keep your site sustained!