Finding the Humane in Artificial Intelligence

Modern society's stance on artificial intelligence — AI — is generally split down the middle. While some insist that next-gen robotics and AI-driven machines are set to take over the world, others take a more realistic approach. Instead of fighting ...

3 Ways Restaurants Can Use Big Data To Operate Better and Profit More

In recent years, big data has been something a lot of people have been talking about in terms of its possibilities for everything from economics to curing disease. However, it is also something businesses have been able to use very ...

The Tools and Challenges of Testing Big Data Analytics

Big Data analytics is a natural advancement of the business intelligence tools that have been around since Deming’s era. This change is dictated by the increasing volume and diversity of data available to companies due to the latest technological and ...

Good Data is the Foundation for AI Innovation

AI and Machine Learning were two of 2017's hottest technological buzzwords. It's not difficult to understand why: the potential benefits of these technologies are exciting and profound. But artificial intelligence and machine learning both rely on other foundational technologies in ...

The 10 Insanely Useful Internet Of Things Products You Must Try!

Internet of Things (IoT) is the next frontier in technology and the core component bringing industrial revolution across the globe. It is entirely redefining how we use apps, devices and how people interact and connect with each other. It is ...

Major Players Suffer From DDoS Attacks

DDoS attacks have become an increasingly prominent concern in today's changing web landscape. It seems as though no entity is entirely safe from experiencing one of these massive attacks, and major players across the globe having been affected throughout the past ...
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