How is BlockChain Technology Used In Big Data?
In the past few years, the most outstanding development in information technology has changed. The Block chain is likely to change the way that the world reaches the big data. The two benefits that afforded to business is security and the data quality. Block chain is multi-skilled to grasp any information that can be digitized. For example, Sir Richard hook trusts that the advance countries could benefit from storing property action in the block chain. However, the most frequently quote use of block chain is Kimberley process, a certification scheme plan to stop “Conflict diamonds” outreach the international market.
Block chain in Big data:
Big data will give you the most significant confidence in the integrity of the data you see. Data integrity is a huge component; block chain will introduce data layer that creates a completely new set of possibilities for Artificial intelligence capabilities and insights. The benefits of explaining decentralization shared control is you get huge data, thus approved modeling capabilities and qualitatively new data entering to new models.
We are probable to see blockchain based technology make a clash in the cost of keeping the data and the quality (amount) of data available. In data storage, cost savings will come from the decentralization storage providers, hence reducing the “tax” you are paying them. So, this will generate downward pricing pressure on SaaS suppliers as they move to decentralized storage providers.
For Artificial intelligence block chain driven, we can expect three-phase roll-out. First one is within the enterprise, and another one is within the Ecosystem, and finally, the third one is open systems. The complete industry might be called as block chains for big data. In further, we see the expansion of big data, as we move from internally generated data to blockchain shared data layers. In the block chain span of big data, power will occupy those who can access the most data.
The two important implications are, In corporate databases, customer data does not belong to organizations. It belongs to the person, and that person is represented as coins or tokens on an identity block chain. In future, they will grant access to others if necessary. The Second one is the transaction data. It can be viewed by anyone. The data that can be accessed by anyone about the transactions that occur on the given back chain.
When the data moves out of the internally generated systems into open block chains, no longer the data itself an aggressive advantage. All competitors are looking at the same ledger, and it is easy, anyone can provide an interface to it. Companies will provide applications that allow customers to communicate with the protocol. There are some companies that provide a place of analytic capabilities that draw the data and explain what it means and what to be done about it.
Big data analytics opportunities:
In past years, japanese banks used a blockchain startup called Ripple. This is the process that makes easy to transfer the money between the banks using blockchain. It is a process that performs real-time at low cost. The reason is traditional real-time, expensive and high-risk factors. Another one is transaction failure, which the same token is used twice. This is the main problem with the real-time transfer. It makes possible in recognize patterns and risks a lot, faster than can be done currently. So, this process minimizes the cost compared to real-time transactions. In industries, the main assumption of block-chain technologies is security. Already public administration and healthcare have started experimenting with block-chain to grasp data and block hacking and data leaks.
The traditional blockchains have terrible scalability in modern database standards. Block chains are nothing but databases. Databases with “blue ocean” benefits include shared control, decentralized and audit trails. These benefits were enough to represent the creativity of the globe. The more recent technology now is blockchain DB, that is blockchain database. This technology combines the benefits of distributed databases and block chains.  The latest block chain technology has (capability to change) required in big data environments, by establishing the best in distributed databases. This is possible for most applications in big data.
Data monetization:
Data monetization is nothing about producing financial outcomes from data, means turning the data into the top or bottom line sense, Obtaining outcome shows the financial status. We are looking in 3 ways which will make money, which the first two ways will approach indirectly means through product uplift. The third way is direct way, that is selling. When it comes to improving the business process, there is huge money to gain. People who have well known for a long time in data management world have been improving the process with better data.
Big data is nothing but big bucks, generating a huge money. Block chain database technology can rectify big data out exceptional challenges, how to trust the data and how to develop data exchange.
The post is by Sujatha, a content marketer, who presently working in and she holds a Bachelor’s degree in Electronics and Instrumentation from Acharya Nagarjuna University. You can reach her on Linkedin