Kafka 0.9 and MapR Streams put streaming data in the spotlight

As the Internet of Things (IoT) heats up as a topic, and as big data continues along on its path to maturity, streaming data technology, which fits perfectly in the intersection of the two, is having its shining moment. How appropriate, ...

5 most in-demand skills for Big Data jobs

As the Big Data market grows, so does the demand for skilled workers - are your skills in-demand? The Big Data market is growing as businesses realise the important of making data driven decisions. The market is predicted to be worth ...

5 Questions Enterprises Should Ask When Selecting a NoSQL Database

By Barry Perkins With the need for more flexibility when it comes to defining and handling large amounts of data, NoSQL has emerged as a feasible alternative to relational databases. NoSQL databases enable better application development productivity, greater ability to scale dynamically ...

MongoDB 3.0 NoSQL database integrates WiredTiger engine and Ops Manager tool

MongoDB has announced the latest release of the NoSQL database, incorporating the WiredTiger storage engine for greater performance, and introducing Ops Manager, a new application for managing MongoDB deployments. MongoDB 3.0 is set to be generally available in March, when the ...