Major Players Suffer From DDoS Attacks

DDoS attacks have become an increasingly prominent concern in today's changing web landscape. It seems as though no entity is entirely safe from experiencing one of these massive attacks, and major players across the globe having been affected throughout the past ...

10 Reasons Why You Should Emphasize On Data Collection for Your Business!

Before shedding any light on how useful Big Data proves to be for businesses, let’s just take a quick detour to what Big Data is, and its mechanization. Big Data is a large set of structured and unstructured data. Its complexity ...

Business Intelligence as a Competitive Advantage in the Retail Industry

Compared to other sectors, like finance and technology, retail can be considered a late adopter of the advantages offered by business intelligence to daily processes. This is a paradox, as the operations in retail are some of the most well ...

Top 10 Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning You Should Know About!

The Silicon Valley reverberates of Machine Learning today as Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to reshape, mold and revolutionize the world. Machine learning is a fragment of AI and a very significant one. It is a subset of AI that has ...
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