The Biggest Challenge of Hadoop Analytics: It’s all about Query Performance

As Big Data gets bigger and more complex, scalability and performance turn out to be major areas of concern for business users. When organizations use SQL on Hadoop for their business intelligence, they often find it difficult to cope up ...

A Guide to Become a Successful Hadoop Developer in 2025

“The world is one Big Data problem.”-Andrew McAfee Big data might be known by several names or labels, but it’s undeniable that big data skills are turning into a big deal for IT professionals. The “big data” wave has opened up lots of ...

Why is Hadoop the Best Platform for Data Management?

Data management including capturing , storing and analyzing data was very expensive and complicated prior to its management by Hadoop.  With the entry of Hadoop in the industry, data management became to handy as well as less expensive. Hadoop’s processing part ...

Overview of HADOOP from its very Basic till a Career Path

That cute little yellow elephant that often pops up in your window is the symbol of a technology named as Hadoop. This is a java-based programming framework  which helps in processing large sets of data. Today with the rise of ...

3 Steps to Better Hadoop Management

It makes sense to get excited about the possibilities afforded by Apache™ Hadoop® YARN-based applications such as Spark, Storm, Presto and others to provide substantial business value. However, the actual tasks of managing and maintaining the environment should not get ...

The Top 5 Hadoop Distributions

A new report by Forrester Research’s big data analysts says that adopting Hadoop is “mandatory” for any organization that wishes to do advanced analytics and get actionable insights on their data. Forrester estimates that between 60% and 73% of data that ...

The Hadoop Ecosystem: HDFS, Yarn, Hive, Pig, HBase and growing

Hadoop is the leading open-source software framework developed for scalable, reliable and distributed computing. With the world producing data in the zettabyte range there is a growing need for cheap, scalable, reliable and fast computing to process and make sense ...