Blockchain’s Main Features

Blockchain was initially created as a decentralized ledger for Bitcoin transactions that occur within the Bitcoin network. Decentralized or distributed databases/ledgers are devices that are not connected to one processor. Blocks are the way that transactions are stored on the ...

New blockchain & tech trends in 2024

Blockchain business model  It has three features: Decentralized: Because the data is stored within the chain of blocks and all the data is proof of alterations or copies since each block has an identification number. Peer-to-peer transactions Reliable network: Due to the transparency of ...

Payment Gateways for Cryptocurrency

Since its inception, the Cryptocurrency market has grown at a pace unheard of. According to published statistics, there are more than 5,300 distinct kinds of cryptocurrencies now being traded on the market, with a total market value of more than ...

How You Can Earn Bitcoin Interest

Bitcoin is considered as one of the most valuable crypto coins on the market today. Its success contributed to the development of other crypto coins such as Ethereum, Litecoin, and Solana. Nowadays, there are crypto saving platforms that allow users ...

What exactly is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin markets allow people to buy or market Bitcoins in different currencies. They are called "bitcoin bands. No middle man transactions take place – no banks, that's it. People can send Bitcoins (or part of it) to your digital wallet, ...