What is a KPI in Business?

A key performance indicator, more commonly known as a KPI, is used by business owners and entrepreneurs to quantitatively measure progress. Often, organizations measure multiple KIPs at once to determine business success. Depending on the goals of your business, you might ...

Crypto Investment: Six tips to become rich

There was a time when apart from bonds and stocks, few investment options were available for investors. Also, due to limited opportunities in the past, not many people were willing to invest their money. But the emergence of cryptocurrency due to ...

How to do blended and hybrid events at the office

This may shock some readers, but video calls were once science fiction. Popularized in the 1960s and 1970s, exceptional characters like spies, supervillains and spacemen would share top-secret orders using video calls via boxy monitors or wristwatches. Today, they’re so commonplace ...
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