data-scientist2022 is going to see technology become more important than ever before for sales and marketing. As new software and more streamlined digital approaches allow for more efficient lead generation and conversion into sales, those companies that are not up to date with the latest sales tech are going to fall behind. Analytics will become even more important and specific, while social selling is tipped to move ahead of cold calling as the favored direct sales technique. Here are some of the reasons your sales team is going to be investing in more technology than ever before in 2022.

24/7 societyĀ 

Technology is now a key part of business in every sector. No one can afford to ignore the wide range of digital sales platforms out there, while e-commerce is racing ahead in the face of struggling high street retail. The reasons are obvious: shopping and doing business online is easier, more convenient and involves fewer overheads. It allows for the 24/7 sales activities that we expect in our modern society. But as well as convenience and value for money, digital sales and marketing has ushered in a whole new science of reaching and retaining the customer. Business is demanding ever more sophisticated and efficient methods of doing this, and science is doing its best to deliver.

Analytics are kingĀ 

In digital sales it’s all about CRM- Customer Relationship Management. The technology for analyzing, storing and applying data about your customers’ buying habits and prior interactions with your business, in order to anticipate and forecast their future needs, is going to become increasingly focused and sought after.

Right now, programs like Pipeline allow a complete history of all online interactions, accurate sales forecasting and insight, and a comprehensive contacts database that’s fully compatible with many other third party applications. Rapportive is a free add-on for G-mail that allows you to instantly access your contact’s social media profiles in your inbox.

Get on the phoneĀ 

As we all become increasingly used to email and web-based contact, the impact of getting on the phone and calling someone direct becomes even more profound. Dedicated business phone lines are invaluable for any serious sales team as it’s vital that you can get through when you need the information required to close a deal. You can access some great business phone line deals at: for a reliable service at competitive prices.

Sophisticated softwareĀ 

Sales is also going to become increasingly target-driven, a move that will be facilitated by better tracking software for sales and commissions. For instance, your sales team can use HubSpot Salesforce integration to help the new prospects come into the system as contacts. It further helps turn leads into customers. Sophisticated mapping software will allow improved lead generation based centralized territory data and route optimization. Your sales team will need to not only have access to these tools but also to know how to use them.

Tomorrow’s sales tools will be available via cloud computing platforms as a pay-as-you-go service. Automatically updated and fully scalable, these will allow for more democratic access and will potentially allow smaller companies and startups the same technological advantages as major firms. This means that no business, no matter how big, can afford to be complacent; those that don’t keep their eye on the ball are sure to fall behind.