When exploring data and analytics, it's imperative to distinguish between data science and machine learning. These terms are often used interchangeably but convey distinct disciplines with unique methodologies and objectives. To clarify the disparities between data science vs machine learning, ...
Data Science Platform Market was valued at USD 95,3 billion in 2021 and the data science market is estimated to reach - worth $322.9 billion by 2026.
“Torture the data, and it will confess to anything.” (Ronald Coase, Economics, Nobel prize ...
What is Deep learning?
The field of artificial intelligence is essentially when machines can do tasks that typically require human intelligence. It encompasses machine learning, where machines can learn by experience and acquire skills without human involvement. Deep learning is a ...
Deep learning is the subset of machine learning. Basically, Artificial intelligence is a bigger umbrella under which machine learning and deep learning algorithms fall under. Deep Learning uses the concept of multi-layer neural networks. Our brain can also be considered ...
As a new decade starts, much is expected to change in the world of artificial intelligence. During the last decade and beyond, AI technology proved its abilities to even the most fervent critics. Aspects of artificial intelligence, such as machine ...