How can big data analytics and AI help streamline manufacturing workflows
Manufacturing units have come a far way from what they were in the last decade. Today, the processes are being made more efficient, thanks to modern technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, and Big Data analytics. If you’re curious to know about how these technologies can help a production company, this blog will show you five ways that they are a game-changer.
- Sensors for process updates: One of the best functionalities to be introduced in manufacturing technology is the use of sensors on assembly lines. Not only do these assist the floor managers in keeping track of the production processes but also keeping count of the items that may need rework. These sensors can scan for rejects far quickly, eliminating human error so that the assembly line workers can complete their job better. Such scanners also can avoid miscounting or double counting, improving process efficiency by sending data directly to the application for Big Data trend analysis.
- Real-time tracking: Process tracking had been a thorn in the side of the manufacturing industry for a long time. The problem lies in not being able to control the lags and downtime that slow down the Overall Equipment Efficiency at a manufacturing unit. While these stops may be unavoidable, real-time tracking can allow floor workers to recalibrate their processes in order to complete their products on time without the least amount of time wasted. The production target and actual work done can be gauged to keep track of the efficiency in real-time with the help of new IIoT manufacturing technology for greater process optimization.
- Accurate craftsmanship: Precision work may be subject to human error that can cost thousands of dollars. However, technologies such as Cam for solidworks help in ways more than saving wastages. These are far more precise than previously used technologies, making for a reliable mechanism when it comes to mass production. Intelligent software and automation can create far more accurate pieces with the least amount of rejects or waste when it comes to the manufacturing of these products.
- Secure hazardous workplaces: Wearables technology and devices have brought us to the place where we can create safer workspaces for the laborers that used to previously perform risky tasks. In a manufacturing unit, there could be several tasks that have fire or chemical hazards. Wearables or bot technology can semi-automate the process, if not fully, ensuring the safety of the workers.
- Intelligent insights: Having intelligent insights at your fingertips when it comes to real-time manufacturing was a far cry from the past. However, with modern technologies like AI, Big Data, and machine learning, predictive analysis is now made possible. The digital twin technology used in manufacturing can help in predicting the metrics of a production shift before it even starts, input with all the stops and raw material.
Wrapping Up:
From process optimization to receiving customized reports of any assembly line, product or shift, all things are made possible with the help of AI and big data technology. We hope that your glimpse into the Industrial Internet of things garners more curiosity for further research!