Four Ways that Artificial Intelligence Helps Students Learn
Questions of how AI can help in learning are particularly important this year. 2020 was not originally going to be the year for education AI. This article contains some ways that students will find it beneficial for their learning process.
Students can receive more personalized tutoring
Educational AI allows for a more personal approach to teaching. How do students learn better? They can have more time with a personal tutor. They don’t have to move at the pace of the class. They can have education that is tailor made for them.
An educational AI can focus on each child individually. It can gather more information than a human teacher could. This information can be used to create a learning environment specifically for every child. It could also be used to flag any problems a child might be having.
AI can create lessons and educational plans for every single child. It could cut down on the need for teachers. This is not to take teachers away from classes. Quite the reverse, in fact. Having an AI handling the information gathering in a classroom will free teachers up. This will allow them to focus their attention on any major problems that might pop up. Teachers currently need to worry about everything in a classroom. With AI, they can focus on the main problems – even catching them before they happen!
Personalised tutoring is good because of what we now know. Children learn in different ways. This can very detrimental to anybody in a learning environment. The child will suffer from not being able to learn properly. Everyone around them will suffer because of their lack. Educational AI and personalised tutoring can solve these issues. It would revolutionise the classroom.
Technology can present material in understandable terms
When you are in a classroom environment, information is presented by the teacher. This means that there is only one way to present material. This can work for a lot of people. But there are different learning styles, and children who have different learning styles. Greater technology use means that you can present information in different ways.
The internet is a good example of this. Before, when I wanted to write my paper, I could only access books on the subject. Now, the internet gives me sites, books, and videos, among other things. The internet gives easy access to information. This can be very useful in a classroom setting. Now, the teacher can present material in one way – maybe the ‘accepted’ way. They can then include links and sites for different presentations. Educational AI makes it easier for students to learn.
All teachers know that not every student in their room is at the same level. Technology lets them see information in different ways, as discussed. It also lets teachers play with the information they are teaching. Rather than presenting it in one lump sum, they can break it down. Perhaps they could even present the information in ways that allow the children themselves to break it down. Technology can do that – create different ways of looking at information. So a child who is having difficulty with facts and figures can choose to break it down by themselves. This could itself be a learning experience: learning to try new things.
Students can use AI to give feedback
One current purpose for AI in education is feedback. The year 2020 has given students new ways to report feedback on online teaching, true. The concept of educational feedback has been around for longer.
The internet has let more people leave reviews than ever before. This holds true for education as well. Students can now rate and review their teachers and institutions online. But AI promises something more. A good student AI could mean hearing their opinion on everything. An AI that is involved in the classroom could record feedback on everything. Students could easily record every opinion and idea they have.
This doesn’t even need to be done consciously. A classroom AI could present feedback automatically. It could be set up to record how students react to certain ideas and lessons. Or the feedback could be collated from the other information it collects.
In this year alone, we have seen the problems that online teaching can cause. These problems can mount if they are not addressed. Having more space to provide feedback is very useful in these situations. AI can provide the space for it.
This type of AI uses machine learning to work effectively. If the machine learning is working properly, then feedback can be for its own sake. The AI can gather information to give to educators. It can also gather it for itself. This feedback could be a way for it to improve itself in the long run.
AI can pinpoint the most effective pedagogical strategies
We know by now that children learn in different ways. We don’t always have the capability to support this in the classroom. What AI can do is give information on different types of learning. The teachers involved can then decide which learning strategies are more effective.
It’s close to what perfectessay does when looking for quality in their work. An AI programme looks for issues, rather than all the work needing actual eyes on it. This programme can pick out issues and problems.
It’s the same for educational AI in most ways. Instead of looking for quality issues, it looks for the most effective pedagogical strategies. An AI is best placed to see how children are learning, after all. If students are using the AI every day, then it will know how they learn. Teachers can use this information to tweak their own strategies. They can use this information to teach differently, if necessary. AI can tell them what works and what does not. They can then shift directions if necessary.
This works for teaching strategies that are more enjoyable as well as more effective. Children do tend to learn better when they are enjoying themselves. An effective AI can record when that happens. Any teacher with access to this information can create better lessons. This in turn can lead to better learning outcomes. The most effective strategies will boost learning to a huge degree.
We already know that technology helps education in many ways. It works best after a certain learning curve, but it does work. This article only contained a few benefits of AI education. But this is a good basis for incorporating technology into education more thoroughly.