In this day and age, artificial intelligence is penetrating dozens of different fields. Numerous elements of AI have already become part of our everyday lives. From smart homes and the Internet of Things to manufacture engineering, artificial intelligence is used as we speak to improve our lives. In this article, you’ll learn more about five major ways in which AI is being used in some major fields.

Machine learning

We all know that computers operate on the basis of zeros and ones. As such, the majority of computers we use are programed to perform actions set in advance.

Machine learning, however, enables machines, i.e. computers, to memorize and learn things so that they can use this data for future operations. The end goal of this process is to create computers that will be able to think and bring decisions on their own, without programing.

For instance, Google is developing a machine-learning system that will be able to predict a patient’s death. This AI-powered solution will put together the data from the patient’s medical record and come up with a calculation regarding their life expectancy.


A branch of engineering in which scientists create robots, robotics is already applying numerous aspects of artificial intelligence in the production of different forms of robots. As explained on the infographic below the text, robots will replace humans in many strenuous work operations.

Apart from these industry robots, we’re not far away from the mass production of humanoid robots, such as Sophia. This question is raising different concerns among some scholars and ordinary people. However, scientists are convincing us that these robots will be used to help humankind.

Machine vision

In addition to learning how to think, computers are also being taught how to see and process the data they obtain that way.

Computers that will be able to see will have a camera through which they’ll gather the information from their surroundings. The system will then convert analog signals into digital, and then send them further to the center from which it’s managed and supervised.

For example, ecommerce will see significant benefits from machine learning and machine vision in the time ahead. In line with that, online shoppers are already able to use mobile apps to recognize texts on products or scan barcodes.

Also, machine vision will be used for warehouse management and organization. The sky’s the limit in the future application of machine vision in this field. High speed cameras equipped with advanced machine vision technology can capture and analyze rapid processes in unprecedented detail, revolutionizing industrial quality control and scientific research.

Natural language processing

We’re already using some aspects of AI in this field. One of the simplest forms of natural language processing are voice assistants, as well as speech recognition.

Further, smart systems will be able to recognize certain emotions on the basis of speech, as illustrated in the AI infographic below the text.

Computer systems are already capable of translating different texts from one language to another. We can only assume how advanced they’ll get in the years to come.

Robotic process automation

Robots will not only be able to perform different operations on our behalf, but they’ll also be taught how to react in case something unexpected happens.

As such, the work process automated for robots will become even more efficient. People included in that entire procedure will have the roles of supervisors and managers.

The end result of these innovations will be higher productivity for companies and fewer risks, due to the fact that robots will be trained for different reactions.


Artificial intelligence is already being applied in many fields of work, in many different ways. Due to the larger investments and faster innovations, we can expect further advancements in the roles of AI in various industries. Hopefully, these innovations will be used in positive ways so that regular people can enjoy the benefits of this progress.

AI revolution infographic