How Big Data and Digital Signage Can Work together in Personalizing In-Store Experience

Retailers are persistently trying to understand the behavior of their customers and getting to know their expectations and needs. To succeed in the technology-driven industry that exists today, retailers need to integrate analytics in order to personalize and optimize their ...

Machine Learning with Python-A Revolution in the field of Data Analytics

Introduction A data analysis technique that introduces automation in the development of an analytical model is termed as Machine Learning. Algorithms are employed by machine learning which draws insight from the data, so it provides computers with the capability of attaining ...

5 Ways Big Data Is Changing the Travel Industry

There’s a new trend in many different industries that is taking information and making it part of individual business strategies for companies. It’s called big data, and it has the potential to be felt in all aspects of business. One ...

5 most in-demand skills for Big Data jobs

As the Big Data market grows, so does the demand for skilled workers - are your skills in-demand? The Big Data market is growing as businesses realise the important of making data driven decisions. The market is predicted to be worth ...

5 Questions Enterprises Should Ask When Selecting a NoSQL Database

By Barry Perkins With the need for more flexibility when it comes to defining and handling large amounts of data, NoSQL has emerged as a feasible alternative to relational databases. NoSQL databases enable better application development productivity, greater ability to scale dynamically ...